------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SHA256 HASH SUM 578589696aae47ec41c6f1a2430cc0a6a642d4c4743a45ab8e5bdd324597ec46 qt-style-x86_64.AppImage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Uploaded: 2024-08-28 00:40:25 Size: 42.24 MB qt-style-x86_64.AppImage requires GLIBC higher than or equal to 2.35 qt-style is built with Qt version 6.7.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOW TO CHECK THE HASH SUM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LINUX "sha256sum" is included in most Linus distributions. sha256sum qt-style-x86_64.AppImage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WINDOWS "certutil" is included in Windows. certutil -hashfile qt-style-x86_64.AppImage SHA256 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ READ MORE https://gitlab.com/posktomten/qt-style ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _ _ _____ _ | | | | __ _ __ __ ___ | ___|_ _ _ __ | | | |_| | / _ |\ \ / // _ \ | |_ | | | || _ \ | | | _ || (_| | \ V /| __/ | _| | |_| || | | ||_| |_| |_| \__,_| \_/ \___| |_| \__,_||_| |_|(_)